Mallory's Seed Story - Leah Chiponis

Our group overall had a positive experience with the Story of the Seed project. Now, let's see what Mallory Byers thought of the project and the effect that it had on her.

          What have you learned?
Mallory explained how she learned about the relationship between plants and other
organisms along with the effects of that relationship as she observed her plant throughout the
whole project.
           What surprised or amazed you?
What surprised her was how she learned about the good things plants do for the Earth and
when she learned about all of the different processes and stages that plants go through,
like photosynthesis.
            What made you laugh?
She laughed with her group when they were trying to grow their brussel sprouts in
different materials and they went to check on the plants and they found that a was a bug
swimming in the water, which made them laugh.
              What made you pause and think a little deeper.
She paused and thought a little deeper when her group was discussing and talking about succession
( Primary and Secondary) of an ecosystem.
              What questions do you have about the things that you learned or observed in the garden?
A question she had about the things that she observed or experienced in the garden was "When will our plants be ready to pick?"


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