About Us...The Cabbage Patch Kids!
Leah Chiponis, 9th Grade
My name is Leah Chiponis, and I was born in San Jose, California. I have lived in San Jose my whole life, and I have little experience in gardening, but enjoy it. My grandmother has had a garden, and that is where I have been mostly exposed to gardening. I enjoy how just planting one thing, can transform into something new. I personally have never had a garden, but I have helped out with a few people that I know, and I find it exciting and new! In the future, I am looking forward to planting and growing food of my own, to experience fully having a garden.
Jessica Serrano, 9th Grade
My name is Jessica Serrano, and I was born in Palo Alto, California. I moved to San Jose in third grade and I have enjoyed science all my life. My mom and dad love gardening. I've always watched them and seen the process of gardening. Sometimes I help my mom when it comes to watering the garden or giving the plants soil. I think gardening is relaxing and fun because you get to see something grow throughout time that you made. Also, in the end you get to eat what you grew. My parents's garden ranges from apple trees, bell peppers, blueberries , peach trees ,and much more. Gardening for us is a way for the family to bond and that's why I care about it so much. I may not be the best at gardening but I do admire it.
Grace Slone, 9th Grade
Hello! My name is Grace Slone, and I was born in Reston, Virginia. I moved out to San Jose when I was 13 years old, and I have always had a passion for science, especially life science. Upon moving to San Jose, my father planted a garden with various fruit trees and bushes. I'll occasionally help out with the garden, but overall, I have never really taken care of a garden. When I was younger, I would always like to help my grandfather go out to his garden and pick his ripe cherry tomatoes. I personally believe that gardening is one of the best ways for us humans to connect with our environment.
Sydney Stitt, 9th Grade
My name is Sydney Stitt, and I'm originally from Hunan, China. I moved to San Jose, California when I was 16 months old. My dad and I built a garden about four or so years ago, so I've got some experience in gardening. I remember it's quite dirty, but it's so inspiring to eat something you've grown with your own bare hands. My dad and I have grown cherry tomatoes, regular tomatoes, cucumbers, lemon cucumbers, corn, pumpkins, mint, etc. My dad loves growing food, it's one of his passions. He's definitely not an expert, but he's been growing his own tomatoes and cucumbers since I was very young. My grandpa also loves horticulture, he has plenty of apple and apricot trees, as well as snap peas and tomatoes. His favorite, though, are his roses. He's got at least seven bushes of roses in his backyard. They're all different colors, which is really cool.
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