Anthers And Stigmas And Styles, Oh My ! - Jessica Serrano
Blogpost 7 Our cabbage plant belongs to a family called Brassica oleracea and there is a variety of plants that belong in this group. We decided to take a closer look at the fertilization of these flowering plants. A few weeks ago my group an I decided to do a flower dissection where you found the parts of a flower, that are important in the process of fertilization. Fertilization is the process of fertilizing an egg or plant, involving the fusion of male and female gametes to form a zygote. However plants go through angiosperm fertilization since a plant is has both female and male reproductive parts. The anthers of a plant produce pollen which carries sperm. This happens through meiosis and then four haploid spore cells are formed. Then these cells go through mitosis. They then become pollen grains. This pollen grains must land on the stigma of a flower which Is the female reproductive part of a flower. The stigma has a sticky surfa...